"No matter which field of work you want, learning at least one programming language is important." Ram Ray
Software development
# Full Stack JavaScript developer (HTML, TailWind CSS, SASS/SCSS, NodeJS, Module ES6, APIs com Express JS, ReactJS)
# Components applications: ReactJS, SASS/SCSS
# Python for: Games, Smartphone app with Kivy, API, SMS, Emails, SQL, Tkinter, Selenium, Panda
# MS Power Platform (Power BI, Automate, Apps, Pages, Virtual Agents)
# Knowledge of Software Development MethodologiesFor more than 2 decades I have worked to improve business processes.
Worked as Scrum Master (SAFe framework) leading ceremonies for 19 people in Scrum IT software development
Significant experience in enterprise processes, such as Change Management, Project Management, Business Analysis, Requirements (Scope Management), ERP Deployment, User Training, Financial and Accounting Management
Easy all levels of client relationships (end users, team leaders, managers, etc.)
JavaScript Developer
Full Stack Developer
MS Power BI (Business Inteligence
I've been checking out other Microsoft tools than the 365's.
Take a look at how these tools can bring answers to your business need.
Need more details? https://www.linkedin.com/in/williamoliveira-devops/
or contact wioliveira@gmail.com for more information.
or contact wioliveira@gmail.com for more information.